Valley Optics

Valley Optics is building an innovative platform that facilitates the entire process of opto-mechanical system development, from the customer’s specifications to the final product. The platform will be suitable for the development of virtually all types of opto-mechanical applications, including complex high-tech instrumentation for the aerospace and lithography industries, for example.


The design of opto-mechanical systems has always been highly dependent on the experience of the technicians involved. With the introduction of smart algorithms and knowledge developed by TNO, Valley Optics has now built a platform to help multidisciplinary project teams choose the best solutions. Where humans are unable to oversee the consequences of certain choices when there are countless options available, the platform can create a clear and structured overview of the currently feasible technical solutions for them.

The method was assessed by highly experienced scientists and optical designers and their conclusion was unanimous: this is a unique methodology for which there is great demand in the market.