
Since the start of our programme in 2017, we've proudly launched over 40 spin-offs. Our spin-off companies have TNO technology at their basis and go through an extensive venture building process before launch. We invite investors to explore the diverse investment opportunities in our spin-off companies.

Connect with Tech Transfer

We warmly invite investors to contact us for various opportunities, including introductory meetings, deal flow sessions, and receiving biannual portfolio updates via email.

  • Introductory meetings: Explore TNO's Tech Transfer programme, delve into ongoing projects, and discover potential investment opportunities that align with your investment goals.
  • Dealflow meetings: Stay informed with the latest updates from our portfolio companies and new projects through regular personalised sessions.
  • Biannual portfolio updates: Twice a year, we send out a report outlining the investment needs of our portfolio ventures. Connect with us to subscribe to these updates and stay up-to-date on developments within our spin-off companies.