Studio Automated
The AI software developed by Studio Automated is designed to produce high-quality live sports and media events while also making it scalable and accessible for media production companies, sports federations/clubs, and streaming platform companies.
Based on the success of this technology and the market demand, TNO and two employees started a spin-off company called Studio Automated. The market potential of AI video analytics and low-cost video production of live events is enormous for sports and media alone, but the technology can also be used in other areas such as safety & health or logistics. One example is the detection of patterns for the timely recognition of suspicious behaviour or undesirable situations.
Earn money as a club
Through deep learning the system works like an automatic cameraman that recognises game situations and people with very high accuracy. Although the broadcasts are of HD quality, they can also be streamed to PCs, tablets and smartphones via existing fixed and mobile networks. The sports club can also sell them to local shopkeepers who could display them on a screen in the shop. Match fragments can also be offered via social media such as Facebook or Twitter. By tapping into new channels, the club can recoup the purchase price in the foreseeable future.
High quality, affordable price
What makes it unique in the market, is the combination of affordable pricing, offering high image quality, fairly easy to handle and the fact that the application runs on a normal PC despite the very heavy application. The package (delivered by partners) consists of a camera and a PC running the Studio Automated software for image and pattern recognition, and a media server to stream the video to users. The camera automatically moves with the game and films the entire field, follows a player and recording highlights.
In addition to streaming images, the recordings are also used as video analysis for training purposes by amateur clubs and professional clubs like Ajax. Being able to classify certain game situations and control them in real time, makes Studio Automated now one of the most leading edge software companies in the video analytics market.