
An estimated 80% of industrial data is never shared outside an organisation’s walls. And 90% of the challenges in implementing meaningful AI are related to data. In the Digital Age, data sharing holds the key to challenges ranging from efficient supply chain management to medical breakthroughs to utilising the full potential of Generative AI. Novatrust helps organisations create trustworthy, secure Data Spaces that drive innovation.

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What are Data Spaces?

Far more than just advanced technology and algorithms, Data Spaces are agreements between large numbers of partnering organisations to share data in a secure and effective way. Built upon strong governance and a fair shared value business model, collaborating organisations build Data Spaces to enhance and accelerate their own businesses, as well as support their entire business value chain. To date, there are nearly 180 active Data Spaces in Europe alone, and Novatrust aims to grow that number by at least 20% in the next 5 years.

Data Space networks are carefully curated and tailored to each group’s specific needs and ambitions. They are customised depending on the specific goals of the group, whether that is more efficient operation or deeper scientific discovery. Within the manufacturing industry, for example, separate Data Spaces might be established for various aspects of the business, such as energy usage, logistics, or administration. Based on a set of pre-determined protocols and requirements, Data Space owners can allow access to these spaces only to those who fulfil the requirements.

Addressing the challenges

After years of investigation and research, TNO has uncovered the formula for creating optimal Data Spaces. Through Novatrust, those insights are now being put into action. From addressing data sharing legislation and regulation across multiple countries to creating a common way of working across an entire business sector, Novatrust guides organisations through the process of establishing the trust and guidelines necessary to protect proprietary information, and yet benefit from sharing critical data.

The Novatrust solution can help support business in multiple ways. With the growth of Generative AI, successful Data Spaces can feed Large Language Models to optimise their efficacy and accuracy. They can also be applied to digitise and optimise massive supply chains, leading to increased efficiency and lower costs. But Novatrust can also help stakeholders optimise manufacturing and administration, share critical healthcare data that can lead to medical breakthroughs, or join sector players together to solve critical business issues through the power of robust data.

Getting to the core

The foundation of enduring Data Spaces is not technology, but trust. Through Novatrust’s methodology, participants in a Data Space can create a collaborative business model that is transparent, scalable, and secure. They can ensure to partner with the right players in the ecosystem. Data Space structures are tangible and have a specific scope to address a specific need. The strong governance framework ensures security, and an organisation continues to own and manage its own data, while also making it available to a carefully selected group of partners. A decentralised Data Space does not utilise the cloud or blockchain to operate, but rather operates underneath an organisation’s existing platforms and systems.

What’s more, as laws and legislation related to data security continue to develop, Novatrust enables organisations to navigate these regulations, and yet still get the maximum mutual benefit from the data sharing ecosystem. After building the technological infrastructure required, participating organisations are ready to share and scale securely. In addition to scalability within one Data Space, the Novatrust solution can also facilitate federation: the joining of a variety of data sets or Data Spaces together, across borders and ecosystems, when necessary.

Making the future tangible

There can no longer be any doubt that data sharing is one of the keys to business growth, innovation, discovery, and acceleration. But companies continue to be sceptical about sharing their business-critical data. Through Novatrust, sectors and business ecosystems can adopt a new way of working and interacting. They can establish the right framework and structure to enable transparency and efficacy, without sacrificing security.

Ready to bring your organisation or sector fully into the Digital Age and prepare for the future? Want to know how Data Spaces can impact your business model or your sector ecosystem? Novatrust can help. Contact us today to find out more.