Harness the Netherlands' surplus heat: 125 PJ annually from industries, equal to 4 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Imagine storing and utilizing this energy to heat 3 million homes, anytime, anywhere, for a sustainable future.

Cellcius provides an affordable and sustainable heat and cold storage system: a water and salt-based heat battery. With this system, we make heat that is cleaner, available 24/7, and accessible to everyone. A crucial link in the heat transition, through which we want to end the use of gas in the Netherlands. And a way to combat congestion on the grid. Because the more waste heat we can reuse, the less electricity is needed to produce heat.
Our heat battery is based on the thermochemical application of water and salt, which we make scalable, manageable, and affordable. We use raw materials that are widely available, fully recyclable, and safe. And the system has an excellent ecological footprint. This enables us to create efficient and rechargeable energy storage for heat and cold supply.
We make our system in two variants:
- A stationary system, to reuse waste heat close to the source, such as heating and cooling office buildings on industrial estates where there are also factories. Our battery is then in a permanent position, where we both recharge (store residual heat) and discharge (release heat).
- A mobile system for application in residential areas or businesses further away from a heat source. We charge the battery at the source and transport it to where the heat is wanted. If the battery is dead, we’ll replace it with another one. The Cellcius system thus makes heat and cold independent of time and place.