AnGard Microwave
On land and offshore, drone swarms are used to spy on critical infrastructure, smuggle narcotics, target military assets, and attack global logistics. Current jamming systems are omnidirectional and disrupt entire ISM bands, which limits their operational range and causes unwanted interference. AnGard Microwave, a TNO Tech Transfer spin-off, offers compact, directional and high-power counter-drone electronic defence solutions.

Addressing market demand
Given the increasing threat that drones pose, the counter-drone market is expected to increase to around €7 billion in the next 5 to 7 years. Modern drones are inexpensive, use AI to reach targets without operator control, and can navigate terrain without GPS. Stakeholders are searching for more precise and cost-effective solutions to combat them. Conventional counter-drone electronic defence systems tend to disrupt all GPS and ISM bands, friendly or otherwise, in their vicinity.
AnGard Microwave addresses the challenges of modern drone attacks with compact, affordable solutions that are more accurate and effective than other systems on the market. The systems are based on AnGard Microwave’s expertise in two key enabling technologies: their Load-Modulated Linearizing (LML) Amplifier technology allows for highly linear and efficient amplification of microwave signals. This enables precise and powerful jamming over longer distances. And their Self-Matching Balanced Amplifier (SMBA) enables a more robust, less sensitive response to variations in antenna array systems, making it suitable for high-power microwave applications. Patents for both LML and SMBA are already underway.
Meeting a societal need
Although the amplifier technology certainly has applications for other industries, such as telecommunications and industrial heating, the AnGard Microwave team saw both a business opportunity and a societal need to focus primarily on counter-drone technology for defence and security. To that end, AnGard Microwave has demonstrated the principles for two complementary counter-drone technologies. The spin-off is now in search of investors and partners for live trials and to optimise prototypes for the next stage of development.
Smart Jammers
In response to the growing number of inexpensive and simple drones, modern counter-drone radar and camera systems are designed to detect, track and classify drones, but not the identity of the operator or their commands. Signal detection systems can monitor the radio spectrum for drone communications and detect the identity and signals from the operator, but cannot pinpoint the drone’s location. AnGard Microwave’s smart and directional jammer uses directional antennas to target a specific drone and use the information from existing systems to identify the drone’s location, operator, and commands. This enables targeted and direct jamming on a single drone, or an entire swarm. The jammer’s amplifier provides a better range and higher beam precision than currently available, without disruption to other systems in its vicinity. Both innovations can target specific drones or drone swarms without disrupting other systems in the ISM and GNSS bands. AnGard has designed the jammer for ultimate flexibility, range, and beam precision, enabling its application in a range of environments, from ground bases or on vehicles, ships, or drones, and it can be developed to operate autonomously or through operator control.
High-Powered Microwave Interceptor Drone
More and more often, swarms of autonomous drones are deployed without the need for an operator. High-power microwave (HPMW) systems are inherently short-range, but can transmit tremendous amounts of electromagnetic energy that can disable entire swarms simultaneously, effectively, and efficiently. They are also far more resilient to weather conditions than their laser system counterparts. AnGard Microwave is addressing this future trend now. They are developing a miniaturised HPMW system to make it lightweight and efficient. It can be mounted on a drone that can be flown to certain coordinates – autonomously or through an operator – and aim towards a target to effectively disable the drone’s electronics. The area of effect is localised only to the threat, and minimises the unwanted spillage of electromagnetic power.
Take part in the future
Interested in investing in, or field testing, this next-generation counter-drone technology? AnGard Microwave is eager to apply this proven principle in real-world environments to ensure its readiness to support future anti-drone activities for governments, militaries, and other stakeholders.