Tech Transfer Board
Every step of the Tech Transfer process involves Tech Transfer Board. This board reviews and approves applications for phase 1 and 2 budgets and advises TNO’s Executive Board on the launch of a spin-off. The Tech Transfer Board consists of internal and external members and provides extensive feedback to the Tech Transfer applicants. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive and informed decision-making process.

The Tech Transfer Board is comprised of
- Susan Swarte (CFO of TNO)
- Hans Boumans (Director of Tech Transfer)
- Machteld de Kroon (Managing Director of the Mobility & Built Environment unit)
- Arnaud de Jong (Managing Director of the High Tech Industry unit)
- Berry Vetjens (Director of the ICT Strategy & Policy Market unit)
- Oscar Appeldoorn (Unit Controller Healthy Living & Work).
Since 2018, the Tech Transfer Board has been further strengthened with the addition of external members, including
- Sven Bakkes, Founding Partner of LUMO labs
- Guus Frericks, Founder & Managing Partner of DeepTechXL
- Sander Verbrugge, Partner at Innovation Industries
- Bram Ledeboer, Impact Investor at SHIFT invest
The Tech Transfer Board convenes eight times a year.